Last Date: 17/06/2021 to 19/06/2021
Citrus Research Station, Assam Agricultural University (AAU-CRS) Tinsukia has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 8 Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Research Associates (RA) and Lab Assistant Vacancy under the following DBT sponsored project at AAU-CRS, Tinsukia. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.
CRS – AAU Tinsukia Recruitment 2021
Name of DBT Project: Network Project for Establishment of disease free elite Khasi mandarin and Sweet Orange genetic stocks through shoot tip grafting(STG) and mass production of quality planting material for North-eastern states of India.
1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No of Posts: 2 Posts
2. Research Associates (RA)
No of Posts: 1 Post
Interview Date & Time: 17.06.2021, 10.30 AM
1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No of Posts: 2 posts
2. Research Associates (RA)
No of Posts: 1 post
Interview Date & Time: 18.06.2021, 10.30am
Name of DBT Project: Phytochemical characterization and nutrient profiling of germplasm diversity of Citrus species existing in North East Region.
1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No of Posts: 1 post
2. Lab Assistant
No of Posts: 1 post
Interview Date & Time: 19.06.2021, 10.30am
Eligibility Criteria for AAU Citrus Research Station, Tinsukia Recruitment
JRF: (I) Rs. 31,000+8% HRA (for 1st yr and 2nd yr) and Rs. 35000+8% HRA for subsequent year. Applicable for candidate with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National level examinations conducted by Central Govt. and their agencies & institutions.
(II) Rs. 25,000+ 8% HRA for other who do not fall under above(I).
RA: Ph.D. in agriculture / Life science or having equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after M.Sc. (Agri) / M.Sc with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Lab Assistant: Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural or Natural Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent
➤ Junior Research Fellow (JRF): ₹ 31,000+8% HRA
➤ Research Associates (RA): ₹ 47,000/- +8% HRA
➤ Lab Assistant: ₹15,800.00 fixed/ month
How to Apply for CRS – AAU Tinsukia Recruitment
Candidates may appear for the online interview with Bio-data, reprint/publication/thesis etc. One copy of passport size photograph, original and attested copies of all academic certificates and testimonials must be presented at the time of interview. The applicants may submit their resume in advance to the Chief Scientist, Citrus Research Station through email ID:
The link for the interview will be sent to short listed candidates in due time. In event of selection of the candidate, original and attested copies of all testimonials must be submitted.
Advertisement Details: Click Here